You Will Learn How To:
Determine the amount of money needed to retire
Use investments to produce consistent income during retirement
Minimize the impact of potential future tax increases
Implement Roth Conversions in a way that’s tax efficient
Determine appropriate health insurance for each life stage
Plan for unexpected healthcare costs, including long-term care
Get the most from your social security benefits
Position survivors to remain financially secure for life
Reduce or eliminate future estate and inheritance taxes
Avoid common retirement planning pitfalls and mistakes
See detailed course curriculum below to learn more about the topics covered...
Detailed Course Curriculum
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About the Course
Conducted in an educational setting to provide
a comfortable learning experience
Content tailored to address the most common concerns of those nearing retirement
Personal experiences and questions from others make each session a unique learning experience
Detailed, take-home course workbook serves as a useful guide after the course concludes
Course Schedule
Option 1 - Saturday, Feb 8th from 9:30am - 12:00pm
Option 2 - Wednesday, Feb 12th from 6:30pm - 9:00pm
For those attending in-person at Villanova University, a course workbook will be provided at the start of the course.
For those attending online, a pdf course workbook will be emailed before the start of the course.
Course Registration Form
Learn more about retirement planning
$19 includes course workbook
Bring a guest at no additional cost
Personal consultation after the course
Instructor Kyle Rolek, CFP®, Retirement Planning Specialist